Module Contents
Find the activation domain tile in a read. |
Find the barcode in a read. |
- labtools.adtools.finder.pull_AD(read, barcoded=False, ad_preceder='GCTAGC', bc_preceder='GGGCCCG', bc_anteceder='GGAGAGAA', ad_length=120, bclength=11, **kwargs)[source]
Find the activation domain tile in a read.
Takes a read sequence and uses customizable anchor sequences to locate a variable sequence (AD/seq of interest) in the read. Includes support for barcodes.
- Parameters:
read (str) – The biological read of interest.
barcoded (bool, default False) – Whether or not the sequence includes a barcode in addition to the AD/seq of interest.
ad_preceder (str, default "GCTAGC") – The anchor sequence directly before the AD.
bc_preceder (str, default "GGGCCCG") – The anchor sequence directly before the barcode.
bc_anteceder (str, default "GGAGAGAA") – The anchor sequence directly after the barcode.
ad_length (int, default 120) – The length of the AD/seq of interest.
bc_length (int, default 11) – The length of the barcode sequence if used.
- Returns:
AD (str) – The sequence of interest, if located. Else None.
barcode (str) – The barcode, if used and located. Else None.
- labtools.adtools.finder.pull_barcode(read, bc_preceder='GGGCCCG', bc_anteceder='GGAGAGAA', bclength=11, **kwargs)[source]
Find the barcode in a read.
Takes a read sequence and uses customizable anchor sequences to locate a variable sequence (barcode) in the read.
- Parameters:
read (str) – The biological read of interest.
bc_preceder (str, default "GGGCCCG") – The anchor sequence directly before the barcode.
bc_anteceder (str, default "GGAGAGAA") – The anchor sequence directly after the barcode.
bc_length (int, default 11) – The length of the barcode sequence if used.
- Returns:
barcode – The barcode, if used and located. Else None.
- Return type: